JanKalyanseva trust is dedicated to social-economic transformation or rural and remote areas of Gujarat.

Our missions

Our mission is to :

  1. improve healthcare access :
  2. We are dedicated to enhancing healthcare services in underserved areas. Through our comprehensive medical camps, health awareness campaigns, and partnerships with local healthcare providers, we ensure that vital medical services and information are accessible to all.

  3. Advance Educational Opportunities :
  4. We are dedicated to enhancing healthcare services in underserved areas. Through our comprehensive medical camps, health awareness campaigns, and partnerships with local healthcare providers, we ensure that vital medical services and information are accessible to all.

  5. empower the youth :
  6. We believe in the potential of youth to be agents of change. Our programs focus on leadership development, vocational training, and capacity-building workshops. By equipping young people with essential skills, we enable them to contribute meaningfully to their communities and society at large.

Our programmes

Our programmes is to :

  1. family walfare programmes :
  2. Jan kaliyan seva sansthan operates Group primary health center in Arvalli. This health center cater to the needs of the rural masses and the highway community where access to the government service is poor.

  3. HIV/AIDS awareness programme :
  4. To prevent sexually transmitted Diseases and slow down the infection rate of HIV/AIDS among to dockworkers and seamen in port Blair, AIDS awareness programme is in progress with the help AIDS control Society.

    Recent dynamics in the health scenario impelled jan kalyan seva sansthan to initiate the ADIS Awareness Programme in along N.H.8 National Highway among the high-risk group of truck drivers.

  5. Mother NGO Programme :
  6. The trust is acting as a mother NGO for the reproductive program of the ministry of helath and family Welfare, New Delhi. The aim of this program is to reduce the maternal and child death rate, improvement in health services, population control and reduction in sexually transmitted Diseases.

    Our role as a mother NGO is capacity building and empowerment of grassroots level NGOs.

Community empowerment

  1. District Poverty Initiative Project (DPIP) :
  2. The project aim to organize and empower thre rural population living below the poverty line and work towards their socio-economic development through promotion of group-based income generation (embroidery, tailoring, etc.) and land-based horticulture and agriculture development activities.

  3. Promotion of Self-Help Groups(SHGs) :
  4. The trust is promoting the concept of SHGS in the villages of Arvalli district. Most of them are the women groups. These groups are linked with the banks.

    The loans are beings utilized for productive purpose such as purchase of cattle, start the new income generation activities, expansion of existing village level business.

  5. Promotion of Grassroots Organization :
  6. We promoting grassroots organization (Gram Vikas Samities) and community based organization in different village of the region. Capacity building training and other technical support are provided by us to enable them to undertak development projects independently.

rural Infrastructure development

  1. Low cost housing and sanitaion :
  2. The trust constructed low cost houses (each having a living room, store room, kitchen and sanitaion unit) and sanitaion unit (toilets and bathing cubicles) for the socially and economically weaker sections of the society in the Arvalli districts district.

    Sanitary blocks have been also constructed in village primary and middle schools.

  3. Famine Relief :
  4. During times of scarcity and drought, fodder is provided at subsidized rates through deports run in the different blocks of Arvalli districts district. Relief during national calamities also provided to the affected people.